Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tip-Tip Persedian Perkahwinan

First of all,these tips are based on my 8 mths survey&experience so the opinions might vary among us bride2bs so pls correct me if im wrong and share w me on other things.
This is going to be a long entry if i were to eloborate on details so i'd better wrap up into a big summary je ok tak.Yg menulis nye pun blum lepas2 lg kan tp kalo nak suh type ni after wedding jgn harapla coz looking at other ex-bride2bs semenya after kahwin blog dh berhabuk.malas nak update..except for those who r expecting semangat cite psl baby plak kan..;p..
Ini pun rajin2 kan diri type sbb permintaan rakan2 yg baru nak bertunang. There is no single event more beautiful & more stressful to plan than our very own W-day!

1st step : Carik calon suami/isteri dulu!hehe.Haruslah merisik dulu ok!takyah nak berdulang2.cukuplah bagi sebijik kek or a fruit basket.Cincin pun belah rotan/simple white gold..kalo mat salleh dorang bg big rock terus sbb mase wedding bagi wedding band aje kan..
-set tentative date for bertunang/kahwin

2nd step :Bertunang
-make sure to set tentative date for wedding otherwise u might end up bertunang 2 3 thn..hati2..heheh..
Bertunang perlu utk mengconfirmkan wedding date.But not because u have passed 25 yrs old/all ur frens r gettin married

Lepas dh bertunang;
1. Lokasi=penting,penting sgt penting.
If u plan to do ur wedd at halls,sila book hall tu ASAP.
Rental Price for dewan serbaguna kwsn perumahan : RM300 camtulah sehari
Rental Price for dewan Majlis - RM1200-1500 for 6 hrs all boleh outsource.

2. Catering - Area Jerantut mostly murah2 due to high competition.RM9.50per pax-RM11 food+canopy.(buffet).RM20per pax-RM45(for dome serving dinner)

**meja pengantin deco&food& 2 VIP tables tu mesti complimentary ok
Kalo sewa canopy aje RM350 for 1 arabian+80 plastic chairs&10 plastic round tables.
Tambah underlayer scallop+chandelier RM100(ni harga AB Canopy ok..hehehe)
Chair cover-RM2.50-RM4.50..depends on how good ur bargaining skills r!
Transparent canopy+fairylights-RM900 All in!

U can start ur catering survey as early as 12mths but dun jump too fast coz the more survey u do the better deal u will get..maybe u can dump the booking fees after the 6th food trial..huhuhu..or 6 mths before the wedding.
Jgn terkejar2 byr deposit dkt wedding fair...xde beza pun promo die.Try to do food tasting at a real wedding as u know the outcome of the food.

3.Photographer-no advice needed kot as photographers can be found everywhere nowadays..hehehe..For Click Couture members(wedding elite photographers),starts from RM4k for 3 events dan keatas.Sila booking cepat&grab their promotions at wedding fairs.Kalo paling murah org2 biasa bolehla dpt RM3K for 3 events tapi kene hati2 tgk kualiti album dulu ok.member tak member.If they ruin ur album takkan u nak kahwin lagi sekali kan?hehehe.
Tipsnye:email for quotation..jgn terkejut tgk harga,set appoinment dulu.jumpe tgk album pastu baru discuss harga terbaru..boleh nego salunye..slash this..minus that..hehe

4.Makeup-6 mths before the date,start cari make up artists.Harga utk makeup artist terkenal biasanya RM800-RM1000.Nak yg murah sket pun ade RM300-RM500.Kalo yg xde skin prob tu sila book aje mekap artists yg butik baju sediakan skali.

5.Pelamin -5 months before the wedding,u can start looking around for pelamin.Rasanya x perlu amek package dkt butik pengantin kerana mereka outsource pelamin designer so the price is the same plus kdg2 style lama..hehe.If u have ur own design,go to pelamin designer coz they r very creative and will try to make ur dreams come true.Kalo ade budget 10K above,silalah ke Nas Great Idea,pelamin Din,Flora Etc,Gior,Khareyan event,yamin,dicky d fab.

for pelamin fresh flowers at home,RM1500 above boleh dpt inc arch&aisles.

Dewan ranging 4k-10k for fresh flowers pelamin inc arch& 4 set of aisles&deco meja pengantin.
(u can draft lukisan of ur pelamin,wut kind of chair,chandelier,flower pots,candlestands,spotlight around the pelamin,fairy lights,pelamin box)
**complimentary bantal akad,alatan merenjis

6.Baju pengapit&Favours-4 months before boleh prepare

7.Videographers-for those who allocate big budget for video,u can go for Manggis,Dina Wedding&Nurul&Suhaimi etc.Price mcm photography juge.Other videographers normally charge RM1200 per event.Yg RM800 pun ade tp rajinlah menyurvey.Asalkan 3CCD camera.For Livefeed video(MCP) definitely RM3K and above for 1 event.As for me it doesnt really matter selagi tak masuk TV3 or CNN ke kan..yg penting pengantin tu puas hati tgk video sendiri lepas kahwin smpi ke anak saya x dpt pun tgk video nenek saya kawin :(

8.Baju-3-4 mths before.Kalo sewa ade RM600 sepasang.Ade RM3K sepasang.Nak RM10K pun ade..hehee.Kalo tempah jahit lace around RM500 keatas.If u have complicated designs,i would recommend u to go to a professional designer.Rm2k onwards but the percentage of damages to happen is pretty low.Kasut&accessories pun boleh tempah skali!(yg menulis ni pun blum tempah baju lgi..heheh)
**complimentary hand bouquet

9.Wedding rings-Choose together coz remember;wedding is about-each other!4C is important when looking at a diamond.Jewellery shops ni asik2 sale so tunggu aje time sale.Beli awal lagi bagus sbb lepas2 tu byk lagi duit nak pakai.huhuhu

10.Bunga Pahar&Hantaran - U can start preparing or ordering as good as 3 mths.(yg menulis ni pun masih x start apa2 ;p)

11.Kompang&Baca Doa - 3mths juge kot.Im still doing my survey..;p

12.Sound&Lights - PA System ranging from RM250-ribu ribuan.Jez tell them how many pax u have&they will instantly know how many speaker,wut brand,how many channel.Follow spot sewa dlm RM200 termasuk upah menyuluh spotlight semase pengantin berarak ke pelamin(night event).U will get a real beautiful shot from there!LCD screen&Projector boleh dpt RM500 1 set(8kaki)

13.Entertainment- I was really into an entertainment at the early stage of planning but then I realized that when I attend a wedding,all I wanna do is to catch up w frens and eat and take a lot of pics.Sometimes its sad that the guests dont even bother to listen to Gamelan,Tarian ulek mayang ker sajak syair bagai.Singing performance is ok coz boleh dgr..xpayah tgk focus kan..

14.HIV test&borang nikah-Sila beranikan diri buat HIV test 4 mths seblm&submit borang nikah 2 mths before nikah ok.

15.Wedding cards-3 mths before the day boleh tempah.2 mths tu baru distribute la.terlalu awal org terlupa.too late org dh ade plan plak.Di Malaysia,hardcover card is RM5 and above.U can get half the price in Jakarta but the shipping cost is another prob.

Alamak dh berjela2 plak..kata nak wrap up konon..ehehe..sila tambah apa2 yg patut yer pembaca2 nona semua!Now I will leave u the fun&excitement in beginning the journey and all the best in pulling off a successful event&the most memorable occasion in ur life!